
This page will be updated with our public deliverables, articles, papers and communications material for EC², as well as other useful resources on related topics - watch this space! We hope that this page will provide a valuable knowledge base for anyone working in policy, research, or practice in the fields of energy citizenship and energy communities.


Work Package 2:
D2.1 Interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship
D.2.2 Energy citizenship scale - development and testing
D2.3 Energy citizenship scale - Validation Study

Work package 3:
D3.3 Catalogue of potential legal and economic barriers or facilitators of energy citizenship

Work package 4:
D4.1 Report on experimental lab studies on energy communities
D4.2 Report on experimental lab studies on energy citizenship
D4.3 Longitudinal study report

Work package 5:
D5.1 Overview of available tools to support energy communities
D5.2 Specification of needs, aspiration, and requirements from four regions
D5.3 Prototype of co-created tools.
Handbook for a website supporting energy communities
D5.4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of tools

Work package 6:
D6.1 Energy Citizenship Briefings - Report on Energy Citizenship Briefings
Policy Brief 1. Energy Citizenship: A missing piece to the energy transition puzzle?
Policy Brief 2. How to mainstream energy citizenship in EU laws and tools
Policy Brief 3. How to mainstream energy citizenship at the national level

Italian Version

Polish Version

Dutch Version

Policy Brief 4. Furthering energy citizenship in coal regions: the importance of sensitive, place-based transitions

Polish Version

Policy Brief 5. Localised support for establishing and joining energy communities: how local and regional governments can help further energy citizenship

Spanish Version

Italian Version

Polish Version

Dutch Version

Policy Brief 6. Recommendations for inclusive and empowered energy communities

D6.2 Energy Citizenship Empowerment Kits

Spanish version

Polish version

Italian version

Dutch version

German version

D6.3 Energy Citizenship Academy Report

Work package 7:
D7.3 Evaluation report on policy and practice impacts
D7.4 Community engagement report


An interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship: Integrating psychological, legal, and economic perspectives on a citizen-centred sustainable energy transition: This paper, authored as part of Work Package 2 and published in Energy Research & Social Science, develops a viable concept of energy citizenship, upon which scientific, political and practical debates on energy citizenship and energy communities can be built. It introduces an interdisciplinary definition of energy citizenship that is parsimonious, unambiguous, and translatable into scientific definitions.

Collaborative Briefing: Are renewable energy communities a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis and lift people out of energy poverty? This collaborative briefing, co-created with nine other EU funded projects working on energy communities and energy poverty, explores the interrelations between the two topics. The briefing provides some answers and policy recommendations to the question: “Can renewable energy communities be leveraged as a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis, with the ability to lift people out of energy poverty? If so, how and under which conditions?”.

Energy Citizen in the Making: Pathways to support citizen engagement in the European energy transition A joint policy brief combining the insights from four Horizon
2020 projects working on energy citizenship: EC², DIALOGUES, EnergyPROSPECTS and ENCLUDE.

Other Resources

EC Presentation Flyer: a downloadable PDF presenting our project aims and methodology.

What is energy citizenship?: an infographic unpacking our definition of energy citizenship.

Energy Citizenship Quiz: How much of an energy citizen are you? This short quiz uses our energy citizenship scale to evaluate how your energy citizenship compares to others. Give it a try!
